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Manufacturing industry in danger: Cyber security being threatened

Manufacturing industry

Studies developed by the Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation (MAPI), say that companies from manufacturing industry are more vulnerable to cyber attacks, where 40% of manufacturers companies had a cyber-attack in the last year and around 38% suffered over $1 million in damages.

The same research also revealed that almost every case of cyber threats experienced by manufacturing companies, happened through internal employees because of reasons like the insecure use of mobile devices or direct abuse of IT systems.

Biggest concerns to manufacturers, related to the cyber security attacks

With these attacks growing more and more, the manufacturing industry became more concerned with:

  • Consumers data;
  • Unauthorized leakage of personal information;

According to several resources, 87% of companies from manufacturing industry, have a disaster recovery plan. However, only 37% have this plan developed and ready to be used.

In order to avoid this, manufacturing companies must be protected by a data continuity plan, for example through a cloud platform. If a cyber attack happens, at least companies have a copy of their databases that can be easily accessed after the attack. Also, with a data continuity plan, it is possible to have data kept in an encrypted state, where hackers can’t have direct access to the important information.

Manufacturing companies need to be aware that some areas of their businesses, are more likely to be vulnerable to cyber crimes. 

See next, the 5 key areas that are vital to address in the manufacturing industry:

  • Executive and Board Engagement

Although having lots of experience in the industry, board members in manufacturing companies are still not aware of the risks of cyber attacks. All management members must be educated and aware of this possibility and ready to face a situation like this.

  • Intellectual Property

In earlier times, when technology wasn’t so advanced, organisations had their intellectual property kept in a physical safe to secure it. Nowadays, these documents became data that can easily fall into the wrong hands if proper security measures are not taken.

  • Industrial Controlled Systems

Technology and machinery have evolved a lot over the years, however they are designed for a specific purpose that usually is not secure by design, being vulnerable to cyber-attacks. These systems must be also monitored to avoid them.

  • Connected Products

In the modern connected world, full of devices, it is almost impossible to have all devices protected effectively. Manufacturing industry has lots of machines that are controlled by computers and other types of devices that can also be attacked.

  • People

The best weapon to have a well-protected company, is having educated people. Although being overlooked as an important element in avoiding cyber attacks,  security experts say that educated people can be one of the most valuable forms of cyber defense.

Source: https://www.exponential-e.com/blog/rising-cyber-security-threats-in-manufacturing

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