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B2B Images Tips: How to Get More Attention from Prospects to your Products?

There are many elements that should be included in a product page to better its performance, one of them being pictures.

Considering that when buying online the customer doesn’t have the possibility to physical visualize a product, images are what will give the client the visual context they need.

Why are Product Images Important in a Product Page?

As mentioned before, pictures are what will give the customer the visual of the product. This makes it fundamental in a product page, so the client can have better perception of the product, to see if it will be a good fit for their needs.

Not having physical access to the product as it would be in a traditional store, a product page needs to have good image elements with as many details as possible.

Including in the B2B context, images can be a major factor in the decision of a costumer to even click on your product page. It’s also an element that will make a huge difference in the engagement with the product after that first click.

Being everything a customer has to be able to see the product, images have an heavy weight when getting the attention and engagement of clients.

The Importance of Quality Product Images in B2B

In the B2B sector images can be a problematic subject, as there’s a tendency for companies to use effortless pictures, with low quality, which can be a waste of the potential that an image can have in a product page. Sometimes these images are even taken out of data sheets.

To optimize performance and better serve its purpose, it’s important to pay attention to the quality aspects of a picture. Like previously stated, pictures can be a make or break when a customer is deciding to engage with your product, so having better quality images will highly improve your prospects.

Some of the aspects you should be putting your efforts into are:

Quality and Zoomability: Using high quality images is very important, as this will give the customer a clearer view on the details of the product. It’ll allow a visitor to zoom on the picture to better see the features, without it becoming pixelated. Whether you’re using JPG or PNG formats, maintaining a high quality is essential to keep the picture appealing and to allow clients to possibility to zoom in the details of the product.

Fast Loading Time: Even though quality should be as high as possible, it’s also important to keep the weight of the file on the lower side, so it can load faster once the page is opened. Having a heavy image will make it take longer to load, especially in devices with slow internet connection or processors.

Simple Backgrounds: Another thing that will make your images more appealing is using a clean and unbusy background. This will help to maintain the focus of the picture in the product, without any surrounding disturbance. At Twoosk, we recommend you have a white background in the first picture (the cover) as it could also be used in third party campaigns to boost your products.

Highlights in Features: To prove to a potential customer that your product matches the description, it’s important to add pictures focusing on the distinguishable features of your product. Again, you have to remember that these images work as a replacement to the customer having the physical product in their hands. Because of that, all the main features should be shown. At Twoosk, you can upload up to 10 images to better show your product.

How to Use: Adding pictures of your product being used can be helpful for the customer. Showing how the product is applied and managed can bring the client a better understanding of such, allowing them to see if it’s really a good fit for their needs. These images are especially important to include in the B2B context.

Original Content: In a context where you can find multiple products of the same type, showing something different could improve your performance, as it will make your product standout to the person viewing the page. Explore different angles and approaches to your product. Singularity usually catches attention.

Getting a great image can take time and multiple failed tries but putting effort on it can improve your product page and optimize your performance.

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